Current Issue

Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Juni

English Review Journal : is a journal that facilitates the teachers, researchers, lecturers, and students who are interested in English Education, Linguistics, and Literature study. We welcome articles resulted from research or articles resulted from theoretical review. Thanks for all of the team in English Department of STKIP YPUP Makassar, the team editors, the contributors, the reviewers, the member journal managers, for the participations, we cannot do it without any assistances from all of them.  In this journal published on June and December , there are nine articles resulted of researches and literature reviews from schools and universities in Indonesia and for the first time from  abroad university, Indonesia. The articles this fifth volume focus on language components such as Grammar, English Language Teaching such as Web-Based College, Oral Presentation Skill, Teaching Media, English Skills such as Speaking, Reading, Pragmatics and also Literature. It is hoped that all of articles in this volumeare beneficial for all of the readers and the development of research. We welcome other writers to contribute to our journal for the next publication

Published: 2022-04-16
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