Hubungan antara koordinasi mata tangan dan kekuatan otot lengan terhadap kemampuan smash dalam permainan bulutangkis mahasiswa PENJASKESREK STKIP YPUP MAKASSAR

  • Rahmat S STKIP YPUP Makassar
  • Akbar Yusuf STKIP YPUP Makassar
  • Andi Amry Yahya STKIP YPUP Makassar


Rahmat S, 2022. The Corelation of Eye-hand Coordination and Arm Muscle
Strength to the Smash Ability in Badminton Game for Penjakesrek of STKIP
YPUP Makassar Students. Supervised by Akbar Yusuf and Andi Amry Yahya.
The aim of this research is to prove the correlation of eye-hand coordination to the
smash ability in badminton game. The correlation of arm muscle strength to the
smash ability in badminton game. The correlation of Eye-hand coordination and
arm muscle strength to the smash ability in badminton game. This research used
quantitative research method and this research was correlational which involving
two dependent variables, namely eye-hand coordination and arm muscle strength
whereas independent variable was the smash ability in badminton game. The
population of this research was Penjakesrek of STKIP YPUP Makassar students
in 2018 academic year 2021/2022, with the total sample were 30 students which
choosen using simple random sampling. Data analysis technique used was
correlation coefficient. The result of this research showed that: 1) There is a
significant correlation of eye-hand to the smash ability in badminton game with
score r = 0.681 (p< ɑ= 0.05); 2) There is a significant of plewing power arm
muscle to the smash ability in badminton game with score r = 0.597 (p<ɑ= 0.05);
3) There is a significant of eye-hand coordination and plewing power arm muscle
to the smash in badminton game with score R = 0.606 (p<ɑ= 0.05).
Keywords: Eye-hand Coordination, Arm Muscle Strength, Smash Ability, and
Badminton Game.

How to Cite
S, Rahmat; YUSUF, Akbar; YAHYA, Andi Amry. Hubungan antara koordinasi mata tangan dan kekuatan otot lengan terhadap kemampuan smash dalam permainan bulutangkis mahasiswa PENJASKESREK STKIP YPUP MAKASSAR. Sports Review Journal, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 14-22, june 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi: