Hubungan (Aklimatisasi) Latihan Fisik Dengan Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) Pada Aktifitas Pendakian Gunung

  • Darul Husnul Universitas Negeri Makassar


From the aspect of body physiology, mountain climbing is indeed a type of physical activity that is included in the heavy category. Mountaineers must have good physical performance to perform a climb without quickly experiencing fatigue. Therefore, a climber is required to have a good level of physical activity in order to climb. The results of this study show the same thing as the explanation above where it was found that most of the climbers included in this study had moderate to high levels of physical activity. The results of this study show that in addition to making preparations before climbing, most of the climbers also have a moderate level of physical activity. Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is an illness caused by the body's inability to adapt to altitude. This is exacerbated in the morning, in the supine position, and also due to strenuous exercise. In this study, all respondents (100%) showed mild and moderate AMS symptoms. So that preparation for physical activity is very necessary for climbers. The results of data analysis on the level of physical activity and AMS were found in the group of respondents who had a high level of physical activity category, the majority. The majority of respondents suffered from mild AMS and moderate activity levels, because they only walked or cycled every day. In addition, you should also prepare yourself well when hiking to minimize illness due to AMS

How to Cite
HUSNUL, Darul. Hubungan (Aklimatisasi) Latihan Fisik Dengan Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) Pada Aktifitas Pendakian Gunung. Gerak: Journal of Physical Education, Sports, and Health, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 56-61, july 2023. ISSN 2828-5433. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 may 2024. doi: